Computer & Internet Access Policy

University Policy #4009.01 states that “use of University owned technology to access resources other than those supporting the academic, administrative, educational, research and services missions of the University or for more than limited, responsible personal use conforming to this policy is prohibited… As the University is a public entity, information in an electronic form may also be subject to disclosure under the Ohio Public Records Act… All use is subject to the identification of each individual using technology resources (authentication). Use of technology is subject to the requirements of legal and ethical behavior and is intended to promote a productive educational and work environment.”
  • One computer is available in the Reference Lab for visitors. Staff can log visitors in to this computer. All first time users will be given a copy of this policy and will initial the sign in log upon receipt.
Use of the public computer is limited to 15 minutes per person. Additional time is subject to computer availability, up to 1 hour per day.
The public computer is available on a walk-in/sign-up basis. Advance reservations will not be taken.
Users will print their name on a sign in sheet and present a photo ID for verification purposes.
Once sign in is verified the staff member will log the patron in to the public computer.
Minors who wish to use a public computer to access government documents will receive mediated searching assistance from library staff.
  • Printing is available ONLY to current YSU students, faculty & staff.
    When prints are exhausted, the Library can provide a form to request additional printing. The form must be taken to the relevant Dean's Office for approval. Exception: Printing available upon request for Government Publishing Office (GPO) publications.
  • Headphones must be used when listening to music or video. Maag Library does not provide headphones.
  • Internet-accessible computers located in public areas are shared by patrons of all ages, backgrounds and sensibilities. The Library expects patrons to recognize this and refrain from accessing potentially obscene or disturbing websites. The Library reserves the right to ask individuals to discontinue the display of information and images that violate library policy or state and federal law.
  • Users may download information from the computers. Information may temporarily be saved on a workstation's hard drive, but all files are erased after logging off. Files can be saved to a flash (USB) drive, saved to cloud storage, or emailed to your email account.
  • Users may NOT use their own software programs, nor may they download plug-ins from the Internet.
    WARNING: Software downloaded from the Internet may contain a virus. Users are advised to install virus checking software on their personal computers.
  • Maag Library is not responsible for damage to a patron’s flash (USB) drive or computer. All users of this service agree to hold Maag Library harmless from any claims, losses, damages, obligations or liabilities relating to the use of the library computer or the Internet.
  • The Library reserves the right to amend this Computer & Internet Access Policy and other rules pertaining to computer use as needed. The user agrees to comply with any and all subsequent computer and Internet access policies that may be issued.
  • Acceptable use of a Maag Library workstation will be determined by library staff. Maag Library reserves the right to end an Internet session at any time. Failure to follow the rules stated above may result in loss of Library privileges and/or civil or criminal charges.